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A few ideas to help you plant the seeds of compassion in your life everyday!
CONTACT US with your ideas to add to our list!
• Say hello to someone you don't know.
• Pick up trash in your neighborhood or a park for 30 minutes.
• Buy a beverage for the customer behind you.
• Meet a neighbor you don't know.
• Smile at someone you wouldn't normally smile at.
• Pick one person who is in your life daily and
thank them for being there.
• Turn off your cell phone during dinner, a film, a play, a
conversation. Be a compassionate listener and audience
• Take a minute and just breathe deeply.
• Volunteer your time at a charity you feel good about.
• Take a sick friend some soup.
• Make a micro-loan to someone in a developing country.
• Take something needed to your local animal shelter.
Homeward Bound in the Heartland
Town and Country Humane Society
SOLAS Council Bluffs Animal Shelter
• Foster a dog or cat to help socialize it to find a furever home.
• Join your local neighborhood association and attend a meeting.
In Omaha
• Volunteer to help a family have a home.
Omaha Habitat for Humanity
• Take needed items to a homeless shelter.
Open Door Mission/Lydia House
• Learn one new thing that helps the planet and include it in
your routine.
• Donate children’s toys and books to homeless shelter.
• Pick up cans and bottles around your neighborhood, school or
park and recycle them.
• Walk or run to raise money to fight an illness.
• Thank a first responder.
• Be kind to the people around you.
• Help make dinner and help clean up afterwards.
• Take care of the family pet.
• Show good manners.
• Put away groceries.
• Clean your room and keep it neat.
• Be a good sport.
•Help clean the house.
• Sit with someone who is alone.
• Volunteer to help your teacher.
• Keep your desk clean.
• Help keep your classroom neat.
• Hold the door for someone.
• Do as you’re asked by adults.
• Thank your teacher.
• Make a new friend.
• Thank your bus driver for getting you home safely.
• Play with someone new at recess.
• Make holiday cards for a nursing home.
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